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Service you can count on, a partner you can trust.
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Customer Service

There is 24/7/365 customer and technical support coverage by phone. The toll-free number is directed to our offices in Irvine during regular work days Monday through Friday 7:30am – 5:30pm. After hours service is provided by our call center with a live representative. In addition, we have certified technicians to help troubleshoot and solve the issue to optimize profitability by increasing uptime.

Most customer calls are resolved by the representative over the phone via our remote management software. Solutions are provided by assessing the nature of the problem using various ATM machine &: transaction monitoring tools.

If the call is service related and is not able to be resolved telephonically, certified field technicians are dispatched to troubleshoot on site if needed. If Clients opt for our cash management options, our comprehensive Service Level Agreement with Brinks ensures a target response time of as quick as 2 hours depending on location requiring servicing of the ATM machine.

Equipment Maintenance

Our Remote Management System RMS enables real-time monitoring and troubleshooting of problems and issues with the functionality of ATM machines.

We also provide cleaning of equipment & routine maintenance on a regular basis for Financial Institutions. Please inquire at if you need additional information or would like to speak to a representative about a potential maintenance agreement.